Monday 24 June 2024

Welcome to the Pariah Nexus Incursion Finals


The end of this week sees the culumination of the Pariah Nexus Incursion Series. Four qualifying events that have narrowed down to eight players vying for the trophy.

Pariah Nexus Incursion One

Pariah Nexus Incursion Two

Pariah Nexus Incursion Three

Pariah Nexus Incursion Four

It's been an interesting set of tournaments, with thirtenn factions appearing and several Codex releases. It's given the successful Generals a lot to think about. They were sent this briefing -

"Welcome, victorious Generals, to the finals of the Pariah Nexus Incursion series. After four events and 20 unique players, the field has whittled down to just the eight of you. Now we shall see who gets to walk away with the trophy, and the bragging rights.

The event is on Saturday 29th June 2024, at Neutral Ground.
Round One will commence at 11am, getting there earlier will give you more time to set up and prepare for kick-off. Matches will be 2 and a half hours long. End of time procedure will be to finish the Battle Round and score final points then. Concessions will require calling me over to adjudicate the final points scored.

Prizes will be store credit for the top 50% (top 4) and a trophy for first place.

Pairings will be handled via a BCP, with the first round paired via seeding from the four qualifiers. This seeding has been generated via an ELO system.

As Pariah Nexus draws to a close in June, I will require lists to be finalised and sent to me in advance. With the event being on the 29th, I will want the lists sent to me by the 22nd. This will give me time to double-check the correct points are being used. I will then publish the factions that everyone is playing once they have all been checked. This will give you some time to make battle plans with the force you have submitted. Unless I spot an error and ask you to change something, the list is set in stone and cannot be changed.

The missions for the Finals will be –

D – Deploy Servo Skulls – Chilling Rain – Search and Destroy

I – Take and Hold – Hidden Supplies – Hammer and Anvil

O – Vital Ground – Chilling Rain – Crucible of Battle

The order of these missions will be revealed during the player briefing on the day.

Late submission of your list will incur victory point penalties, as will errors on the list. Make sure it’s correct before you submit it. Also, I will be locking in any Balance Dataslate/Codex/other material release changes on the 15th of June. Anything after this won’t be used for the Finals. This gives you a week to react to any potential changes.

If you cannot attend the finals, let me know ASAP so that I can offer your spot to the next eligible player, as determined by their ELO ranking.

Good luck Generals, and see you on the 29th of June."

The lists are in, the Generals have seen them and now it's time to make them publicso the rampant speculation can begin.

Aaron Hurrell 

The Leviathan Champion returns to defend his title, swapping his Necrons for the terrifying Night Lords. Can he recapture his success and lead Da Boyz to victory?

Chaos Space Marines - Dread Talons 

Chaos Lord: Daemon hammer, Plasma pistol, Warlord

Cultist Mob

Legionaries, Chaos icon, Aspiring Champion: Boltgun, Heavy melee weapon, 2x Legionary w/ boltgun: 2x Bolt pistol, 2x Boltgun, 2x Close combat weapon, Legionary w/ heavy melee weapon, Legionary w/ other weapon: Reaper chaincannon

Legionaries, Chaos icon, Aspiring Champion: Boltgun, Heavy melee weapon, 2x Legionary w/ boltgun: 2x Bolt pistol, 2x Boltgun, 2x Close combat weapon, Legionary w/ heavy melee weapon, Legionary w/ other weapon: Reaper chaincannon

Possessed, Chaos icon

Raptors, 2x Raptor: 2x Astartes chainsword, 2x Bolt pistol, Raptor Champion: Bolt pistol, Power fist, 2x Raptor w/ meltagun: 2x Close combat weapon, 2x Meltagun

Raptors, 2x Raptor: 2x Astartes chainsword, 2x Bolt pistol, Raptor Champion: Bolt pistol, Power fist, 2x Raptor w/ meltagun: 2x Close combat weapon, 2x Meltagun

Forgefiend, 3 ectoplasma cannons

Chaos Rhino, Combi-bolter, Havoc launcher

1000 points

Charlie Bennett  

Part of Dick Van Dice, Dick Simmons is bringing the Pain (tokens). Coming in as a relative underdog, he has shown he has what it takes in the Qualifiers

Drukhari - Skysplinter Assault

Archon, 1x Blast pistol, 1x Huskblade, Enhancements: Nightmare Shroud

Archon, Warlord, 1x Blast pistol, 1x Huskblade

Kabalite Warriors, 1x Blast pistol, 1x Phantasm grenade launcher, 1x Blaster, 1x Dark lance, 1x Shredder, 1x Splinter cannon

Kabalite Warriors, 1x Blast pistol, 1x Phantasm grenade launcher, 1x Blaster, 1x Dark lance, 1x Shredder, 1x Splinter cannon

Venom, 1x Splinter cannon 1x Splinter cannon

Venom, 1x Splinter cannon 1x Splinter cannon

Venom, 1x Splinter cannon 1x Splinter cannon

Venom, 1x Splinter cannon 1x Splinter cannon




Scourges, 4x Dark lance

995 points

Ian Atrill 

Dick Nixon reaches the finals again, this time bringing the Bully Boyz. Will he Bully his way to the Trophy?

Orks - Bully Boyz

Warboss, 1x Attack squig, 1x Kombi-weapon, 1x Power klaw, 1x Twin sluggas

Warboss in Mega Armour, Warlord, 1x Big shoota, 1x ’Uge choppa, Enhancements: Big Gob

Warboss in Mega Armour, 1x Big shoota, 1x ’Uge choppa

Boyz, 1x Rokkit launcha, 1x Power klaw

Trukk, 1x Big shoota, 1x Wreckin’ ball

Trukk, 1x Big shoota, 1x Wreckin’ ball

Trukk, 1x Big shoota, 1x Wreckin’ ball


Meganobz, 5x Meganob, 1x Killsaw, 4x Kombi-weapon, 3x Power klaw, 1x Twin killsaws

Meganobz, 5x Meganob, 2x Killsaw, 5x Kombi-weapon, 3x Power klaw

Stormboyz, 1x Power klaw

Stormboyz, 1x Power klaw

995 points

James Soper 

A returning member of Da Boyz, this time bringing the Blood Angels. Will his consistantly good performance see him take the prize?

Blood Angels - Sons of Sanguinius

Commander Dante, Warlord

Sanguinary Priest with Jump Pack, 1x Astartes chainsword, 1x Bolt Pistol,  Enhancements: Icon of the Angel

Intercessor Squad, 1x Astartes chainsword, 1x Astartes grenade launcher

Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs, 1x Plasma pistol, 1x Power fist, 9x Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs

Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs, 1x Plasma pistol, 1x Power fist, 4x Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs

Baal Predator, 1x Baal flamestorm cannon, 2x Heavy flamer, 1x Hunter-killer missile, 1x Storm bolter

Death Company Marines with Jump Packs, 5x Inferno pistol, 5x Power fist

Vindicator, 1x Hunter-killer missile, 1x Storm bolter

1000 points

Justin Snelson

The final member of Da Boyz in the Finals, and a staunch Ork player. Will his Greenskins outperform the Bullies?

Orks - Dread Mob

Big Mek with Shokk Attack Gun,  Smoky Gubbinz, Warlord

Big Mek with Shokk Attack Gun, Press It Fasta!

Flash Gitz 



Lootas, 2 Spanners and 8 Lootas, Kustom mega-blasta, Rokkit launcha

Lootas, 2 Spanners and 8 Lootas, 2  Kustom mega-blasta

Meganobz, 3x Meganob w/ Kustom shoota and power klaw, 2x Meganob w/ Twin killsaw
Stormboyz , Power klaw

Stormboyz, Choppa

Trukk, Wreckin' ball

985 points

Ky Aizawa  

Dick Eisen, also an Age of Sigmar player, is bringing his Blue Blood Angels to the fight

Blood Angels - Sons of Sanguinius

Captain, Warlord, 1x Plasma pistol, 1x Power fist

Captain with Jump Pack, 1x Plasma pistol, 1x Power fist

Assault Intercessor Squad

Impulsor, 1x Ironhail heavy stubber, 1x Shield dome, 2x Storm bolter

Impulsor, 1x Ironhail heavy stubber, 1x Shield dome, 2x Storm bolter

Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs, 2x Plasma pistol, 1x Power fist

Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs, 2x Plasma pistol, 1x Power fist

Bladeguard Veteran Squad, 1x Bladeguard Veteran Sergeant, 5x Bladeguard Veteran

Outrider Squad

Terminator Squad, 1x Cyclone missile launcher, 5x Power fist, 5x Storm bolter

995 points

Pete Yarwood 

Dick Jones brings the Necron Royalty. He started 10th with these events and has been working hard to put his name on the wall.

Necrons - Obeisance Phalanx

Imotekh the Stormlord

Overlord, Warlord, 1x Resurrection Orb, 1x Voidscythe,  Enhancement: Eternal Conqueror

Immortals, 10x Gauss blaster

Doomsday Ark

Flayed Ones

Lokhust Heavy Destroyers, 1x Gauss destructor

Lychguard, 5x Dispersion Shield, 5x Hyperphase sword

Triarch Praetorians, 5x Particle caster, 5x Voidblade

Triarch Stalker, 1x Heavy gauss cannon array

1000 points

Tom Godfrey 

The third Ork player in the Finals, with some gorgeous Pirate conversions, and a seasoned tournament competitor. He's rocking the Bully Boyz for possbily the last time.

Orks - Bully Boyz

Boss Snikrot

Warboss in Mega Armour, Warlord, 1x Big shoota, 1x ’Uge choppa, Enhancement: Tellyporta

Trukk, 1x Wreckin’ ball

Trukk, 1x Wreckin’ ball


Meganobz, 6x Twin killsaws

Meganobz, 6x Twin killsaws

Meganobz, 5x Kustom shoota, 5x Power klaw

Stormboyz, 1x Power klaw

Stormboyz, 1x Power klaw

1000 points

That's the competitors, and their lists. If you want to follow along with the event, it's on BCP

Pariah Nexus Incursion Finals

If you are local, feel free to come down and witness the carnage. There will also be tables free should you fancy a game of 40k yourself.

July sees us running a new player friendly Combat Patrol event

Combat Patrol - Neutral Ground

Got a friend on the fence about joining the hobby? Bring them along

The Incursion series will also return in August

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