Monday 13 May 2024

Kirtonian Conflict XII - Part Two


Part One

Sunday morning and myself, Dick Jones and Dick Nixon headed to Kirton. Would we find victory? Defeat? Would we have travelled all that way to play each other?

Dick Jones was playing Necrons, in the Awakened Dynasty, and Dick Nixon was trying the new Bully Boyz detachment with his Orks.

Round One 

Nixon was up against the Leagues of Votann, Jones faced T'au and my opponent had brought - 

Necrons Incursion (1000 points)

Hypercrypt Legion


C’tan Shard of the Nightbringer (295 points) • 1x Gaze of death 1x Scythe of the Nightbringer

C’tan Shard of the Void Dragon (290 points)
• 1x Canoptek tail blades 1x Spear of the Void Dragon 1x Voltaic storm

Royal Warden (40 points)
• Warlord • 1x Close combat weapon 1x Relic gauss blaster

Transcendent C’tan (285 points)
• 1x Crackling tendrils 1x Seismic assault


Lokhust Destroyers (30 points)
• 1x Close combat weapon 1x Gauss cannon

Lokhust Destroyers (30 points)
• 1x Close combat weapon 1x Gauss cannon

Lokhust Destroyers (30 points)
• 1x Close combat weapon 1x Gauss cannon

Triple C'tan! This is a nightmare of a list on paper, and a nightmare to see on the table opposite you. The saving grace of it was Jake was actually a great opponent. We all know players who would have made this the Worst Game Ever TM. But it was a fun game, despite the uphill struggle.

Sites of Power made things worse, as his hard to shift units are also Characters, for the Empowering points. The approach was simple, use my mobility to get to and clear his chaff, and hope I can pull ahead on Secondaries. I nearly messed this up, as I had misunderstood the footprint of a ruin and sent the Hawks in unsupported to tackle a Destroyer I thought my other units could see. Luckily they chose to be heroes that day and it finally took a concerted effort from the Nightbringer to kill the Exarch. 

Round two saw me kill all three Destroyers, to maximise No Prisoner and Fire and Fade the Warp Spiders onto his home Objective. It was Deploy and Behind that made the Nightbringer return to clear me out. The Void Dragon sat on the central Objective almost all game, scoring 24 Primary on it's own. I largely ignored the C'tan, only firing at them when I lacked other targets

We matched on Secondaries, but as expected he out did me on Primary. I did manage to keep the Autarch scoring Primary for me though so I feel i did as much as I good to score well. I'm happy with the points, although I had a few turns to draw Capture Enemy Outpost which would have been great.

A loss for me and wins for my teammates, we had a lunch break then on to round two.

Round Two 

Nixon was up against the Necrons and Jones faced Orks. In fact, they had been paired into each other. Not the best result for the team, as it meant we only had one chance left for someone to go undefeated. They had also essentially already had the game as practice in the week. Meanwhile, I faced the T'au that Jones had defeated in the first round - 

T’au Empire Incursion (1000 points) 



Cadre Fireblade (50 points) • Warlord • 1x Close combat weapon 1x Fireblade pulse rifle 2x Gun Drone 

Cadre Fireblade (50 points) • 1x Close combat weapon 1x Fireblade pulse rifle 2x Gun Drone 


Breacher Team (100 points) • 1x Support turret • 1x Breacher Fire Warrior Shas’ui • 1x Close combat weapon 1x Guardian Drone 1x Gun Drone 1x Pulse blaster 1x Pulse pistol • 9x Breacher Fire Warrior • 9x Close combat weapon 9x Pulse blaster 9x Pulse pistol 

Breacher Team (100 points) • 1x Support turret • 1x Breacher Fire Warrior Shas’ui • 1x Close combat weapon 1x Guardian Drone 1x Gun Drone 1x Pulse blaster 1x Pulse pistol • 9x Breacher Fire Warrior • 9x Close combat weapon 9x Pulse blaster 9x Pulse pistol 


Devilfish (85 points) • 1x Accelerator burst cannon 1x Armoured hull 2x Seeker missile 2x Twin pulse carbine 

Devilfish (85 points) • 1x Accelerator burst cannon 1x Armoured hull 2x Seeker missile 2x Twin pulse carbine 


Hammerhead Gunship (130 points) • 2x Accelerator burst cannon 1x Armoured hull 1x Railgun 2x Seeker missile 

Piranhas (55 points) • 1x Armoured hull 1x Piranha fusion blaster 2x Seeker missile 2x Twin pulse carbine 

Piranhas (55 points) • 1x Armoured hull 1x Piranha fusion blaster 2x Seeker missile 2x Twin pulse carbine 

Sky Ray Gunship (140 points) • 2x Accelerator burst cannon 1x Armoured hull 1x Seeker missile rack 

Sky Ray Gunship (140 points) • 2x Accelerator burst cannon 1x Armoured hull 1x Seeker missile rack

A very vehicle heavy T'au list, featuring zero Battlesuits. I know the Breachers are nasty when they get close, while the other tanks want to bring death from afar. The Piranhas are there for scoring. Lots of hulls and mobility, and Purge the Foe wants a mix of holding Objectives and killing units.

Jacob was quite a cagey player, and remarked after the game that Kauyon may fit his playstyle better. But the book was freshly released on Saturday so he wanted to give it a whirl. 

Parking the Sky Rays on his home Objective locked me out from Capture Enemy Outpost, and I couldn't lure them out. I did manage to get a bead on one and drop it to 1 wound though. Dick Jones had remarked on how deadly the Breachers were when they hopped out of Devilfish and deleted units. Jacob's cageyness against me let me pop a Devilfish and deal with the squishy contents without letting them get many shots off.

The Autarch struggled in combat against the Breachers though. He just didnt want to hit, which was frustrating, He did help stop them getting shots off though, so I guess it's a wash.

I was able to get Kill More for most of the game, which let me stay ahead on Primary. He ran out of units and was unable to push out of his half of the board by the mid-game, which let me keep just enouh ahead to win the game.

Dick Jones won the Dick off, leaving me at risk of being paired into Dick Nixon for the final round.

Round Three  

Jones faced his second Ork opponent of the day, Nixon faced his second Votann opponent, and I faced Necrons. Again. After playing them twice for list testing as well.

Necrons Incursion

Hypercrypt Legion


C’tan Shard of the Nightbringer (295 Points) • 1x Gaze of death 1x Scythe of the Nightbringer

Hexmark Destroyer (70 Points)
• 1x Close combat weapon 1x Enmitic disintegrator pistols

Hexmark Destroyer (70 Points)
• 1x Close combat weapon 1x Enmitic disintegrator pistols

Trazyn the Infinite (75 Points)
• Warlord • 1x Empathic Obliterator


Lokhust Destroyers (30 Points)
• 1x Close combat weapon 1x Gauss cannon

Lychguard (85 Points) • 5x Lychguard • 5x Dispersion Shield 5x Hyperphase sword

Monolith (375 Points) • 4x Death ray 1x Particle whip 1x Portal of exile

At least there was only one C'tan this time. No shade intended to Ryan, but as Necrons are quite popular amonst the Dicks I was hoping to not face them two out of three games at this event. It was a different list to Jake's, but running a similar ethos. Trazyn was there to grant Sticky Objectives to the Lychguard and the other units were there to score the chosen Fixed Objectives - Behind Enemy Lines and Deploy Teleport Homer.

The issue in this one was the Objectives disappear. So if i can screen him out from the Omega and the non-Alpha I can actually try and get ahead on Primary. Then it's just hoping my Secondaries are scoreable, while dealing with the units that drop down to score his. 

 Ryan forgot to Deploy a Teleport Homer in the second round, opting to shoot instead. He also then struggled to have more than one unit in my deployment zone, lowering his Behind Enemy Lines score. This let me focus on the Primary, and I would have scored for the Omega in round 5 if I could have done 3 more damage to the Nightbringer. Combined with Assassinate, that would have been worth 20 points. I'm still happy with being able to do 8 damage to it, especially given how little I had left at the time. 

My fellow Dicks both picked up losses in the final round. So all that was left was to see the Standings

Fifth place for me, Ninth for Dick Jones and Thirteenth for Dick Nixon. A good showing from the group and I'm very happy with my result. 

Big thanks to Kirton Games and Rob Angell for running the event. It's a shame there were a few players that couldn't make it as I really like the look of his list

Astra Militarum Combined Regiment

Incursion (1000 Points)


Tank Commander (205 Points)
• Warlord • 1x Armoured tracks 1x Eradicator nova cannon 1x Heavy bolter 2x Heavy bolter 1x Heavy stubber


Leman Russ Demolisher (200 Points) • 1x Armoured tracks 1x Demolisher battle cannon 1x Heavy bolter 2x Heavy bolter

Leman Russ Executioner (170 Points)
• 1x Armoured tracks 1x Executioner plasma cannon 1x Lascannon 2x Plasma cannon

Malcador Defender (310 Points) • 1x Armoured tracks 1x Demolisher cannon 7x Heavy bolter

Wyvern (110 Points) • 1x Armoured tracks 1x Heavy flamer 1x Wyvern quad stormshard mortar

A lovely Tank list and I adore the Malcador model


So, how did the list perform?

I was happy with almost everything in the list. The Autarch doesn't kill much, but is fast and supplies me with Command Points. The Falcon is a great Dragon delivery system and distraction. The Spiders and Rangers do their jobs. 

The Dire Avengers were okay. If I were to run a similar list going forward, I would have to see what else could be in their spot. They weren't awful, but they don't do much about the beef that's running around at the moment.

The Swooping Hawks though. They were MVPs all day and the Exarch was a hero. They made far more saving throws than they should have and scored me so many points. I can't wait for them to get a plastic kit so I can add some more to my army.

Other than that, the list was fine. Not exciting but certainly a workhorse. I'm going to have to tinker to see if I can find some better tools for the job.

Thanks again to Rob Angell for running/hosting and to Dick Jones for driving us there and back. Hopefully we can continue to get the team to events, and share in each others successes.

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