Thursday, 25 August 2022

Aces High events


With space and time being at a premium in Antics, it's the perfect place to host the X-Wing Aces High format. 8 players drafting pre-built ships and having a couple of fun games, maybe trying ships they wouldn't normally fly.

Aces High

Baron Administrator Tournaments brings to you; Aces High at Antics. These events will have a player cap of 8, splitting into 2 pods for the dogfight itself. Then the pods will be split and re-paired for a second round to determine a winner. Registration for the event will start at 11:00am and the draft will start at 11:30am. Entry for the event will be £5.

8 players, as that's what the kit provides for. A short event, as Antics closes at 4pm on a Sunday. The money goes towards prize support and potential larger events, should AMG actually solicit any.

Ships will be provided, simply bring your dice, tokens, and templates, plus a way of keeping track of Bounty points and Victory points.

The ships are –

·         T-65 X-Wing

·         Eta-2 Actis

·         RZ-1 A-Wing

·         Firespray-class Patrol Craft

·         Xi-class Light Shuttle

·         Fireball

·         TIE/rb Heavy

·         Droid Tri-Fighter

 It's an interesting mix of Ships, even some Medium bases. The pilots are diverse, but the better the pilot sounds on paper, the less upgrades the ship has. Only run this once but the ships seem pretty balanced.

All using pre-generated Quick Build cards. Player order will be randomly determined then, in that order, the ships will be chosen.  This will be your ship for both games. The Players will then be placed in a pod and play the scenario.

Ships will be deployed in Player order, within Range 1 of any board edge and beyond Range 2 of all other ships, once all ships are deployed; the game begins with the following extra rules;

·         After a ship performs an attack and damages an opposing ship that was at full health, the attacking player gains 1 Victory point

·         After a ship performs an attack, if it destroys the defender, the attacking player gains Victory points equal to 2 plus the ships Bounty points. The destroyed ship loses all Bounty points and the attacking ship gains 1 Bounty point.

·         If a ship flees, its player loses Victory points equal to its Bounty points plus 1. Then it loses all Bounty points. 

·     Start of Round, before the Planning Phase, each player with a destroyed ship (in player order) rolls an Attack die then sets up their ship on a Hyperspace point that has a matching symbol. If this is not possible, then they set up at Range 0 of a board edge.

      Scoring seems a little complex on paper, but once you start playing and scoring it's quite straightfoward. Ships also come back so an early death doesnt put you out of the game. The bounty system also means a lucky kill on the leading ship can bring you right back into things.

·         The game lasts 60 minutes. Once this time limit is reached, finish the current round and report your points

All players will be awarded a promo card at the end of the event. After the second game, the player in each group with the most total Victory points will be awarded an Antics Gift Voucher. £10 for Pod One, £5 for Pod Two

 A fun event, and one I'll run most months at Antics. I may also explore some of the other Quick Builds in my collection and change up the available ships every few months

If you want to keep up with the events I run, check out Baron Administrator Tournaments on Facebook

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