Monday, 7 January 2019

Baron Administrator Tournaments - Standard X-Wing Events

I'm going to run monthly X-Wing events, aimed at local players but welcoming anyone. There are two good venues for this, Dark Star Gaming and Antics Model Shop.

I charge for the events to pay for prizes, time and, in the case of Dark Star, tablespace. This allows me to keep ordering prize kits for X-Wing from Asmodee themselves, through Antics and G.I. Games.

As we have two venues, I feel now is a good time to try running two different formats for events, alternating venue each month. Hyperspace and Extended. This keeps the events different, as I will often run them back to back on the same weekend, and allows people to practice for events like the System Open and Hyperspace Trials. It also provides an event for the players that have started their gaming experience with Second Edition, and feel overwhelmed by the selection of ships available in Extended.


"Explore all the starfighter battles X-Wing has to offer. The Extended game mode encompasses every component for X-Wing Second Edition, including the ships only found in the Conversion Kits. Choose a faction, then select up to 200 points of pilots and upgrade to create your squad."

The event will be 3-4 rounds dependant on attendance, as per the FFG Tournament Regulations, with no top cut and run as per the Relaxed tier;

"Tournaments at this level are welcoming to all players, regardless of
experience level. Players are encouraged to help each other improve and
learn, so long as it does not significantly disrupt the game. The focus is on
creating a fun and friendly environment. The Relaxed Tier is used for Wave
Championship-level events."

Price will be £7, and prizes will be drawn from our available prize pool. All players will get a prize.


"The Second Edition game mode is an ideal introduction to players new to X-Wing. This game mode includes only those components found in the second edition Core Set and ship expansions. Choose a faction, then select up to 200 points of pilots and upgrades to create your squad."

The event will be 3-4 rounds dependant on attendance, as per the FFG Tournament Regulations, with no top cut and run as per the Relaxed tier;

"Tournaments at this level are welcoming to all players, regardless of
experience level. Players are encouraged to help each other improve and
learn, so long as it does not significantly disrupt the game. The focus is on
creating a fun and friendly environment. The Relaxed Tier is used for Wave
Championship-level events."

Price will be £7, and prizes will be drawn from our available prize pool. All players will get a prize.

That's the event structure I'll be using. Let me know your thoughts, especially if you are planning on attending one.

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