Tuesday, 10 July 2018

X-Wing Store Championships 2018 - event 1

This season, I'll be participating in 3 X-Wing Store Championships; 2 as a Judge and 1 as a player. End of June was the first of these, Judging at Antics.

We had 9 players out of the maximum 12 that Antics can host. Not much to report from a Judging point of view. Things ran smooth, although I did let the timing slip about 20 mins by the end. The players know what they are doing, so there were next to no Judge calls as well.

We had 1 Scum list, with the most popular ship being the Kihraxz. It's a shame to see a faction so underplayed.

We had 2 Rebel lists, both flying the Falcon and an Arc. While that's not much better attendance than the Scum faction, at least we didn't see the dreaded Ghost Fenn.

We had 6 Imperial lists, with Quickdraw, Omega Leader, Colonel Vessery and Countess Ryad all appearing on 2 lists each but with no duplicate lists. Aces were the order of the day, with only one list taking a Decimator.

After 4 rounds and no top cut, our winner was.....

Matthew Vicary

Kylo Ren (TIE Silencer)

  • Autothrusters
  • First Order Vanguard
  • Push the Limit
  • Fire Control System
  • Threat Tracker
Whisper (TIE Phantom)
  • Advanced Cloaking Device
  • Veteran Instincts
  • Sensor Jammer
  • Director Krennic
With his brother Jon winning down in St Austell, that gives the Vicarys two Store Championship Titles so far this season. It's also Matt's second year winning at Antics proving the brothers are ones to watch this year.

Next event for me is playing at Kirton. Can I do better than my performance at the Regional? What am I flying? Guess we will find out in two weeks.....

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